
fear is a compass

There’s nothing to fear but lack of fear itself…

People you perceive as successful don’t work to vanquish fear, they actively search for it. They have, however, successfully change fear in one important way…

The goal should not be to remove fear from your life, life without it is especially boring… The goal should be to gradually reroute your “reaction” to fear from anxiety to excitement.

If there is a secret to success, this is it.

How do you do that? Practice. There is no other way. You need to expose yourself to things that you normally would resist. You can start small, call a friend out of the blue instead of texting for example, but consistency is key.

LISTEN to your inner self, when you feel or hear the resistance that is your sign… you do not need “more motivation”, you need courage. Courage to trust the process. Courage to vanquish the voice that says to go the easier path. Over time you will revamp your reaction to fear, your brain’s neuropathways are reprogrammed in a very real way. Anxiety will transform into excitement.

Trust the process, not yourself.

Always remember, fear is a sign you’re heading in the right direction.

Fear is a compass.

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